Frequently Asked Questions

Most people have heard of class-action lawsuits. You may have even received something in the mail telling you that you may be eligible to participate in a class action case. But when it comes to the specifics, many people have questions.

Our goal is to assist you by providing answers to some frequently asked questions about class-action lawsuits. But every situation is unique, and the best way to have your questions answered is by contacting Dubin Law, PLLC today to speak to a member of our team.

Attorney David Dubin has spent his entire career handling claims involving flooding and sewer backups, air pollution and environment hazards, and consumer class actions. Regardless of the type of case he is handling, David feels privileged to fight on behalf of people who have been the victims of injustice.

General Questions

What is a class action lawsuit?

A class action occurs when more than one individual shares similar complaints against the same defendant(s). In a class action all similarly situated claims are litigated before the same judge in the same litigation.

What are the advantages of a class action?

From a plaintiff’s perspective, a class action reduces costs and inconvenience and promotes timeliness in the resolution of many claims. The economies provided by the class action vehicle allow for the prosecution of claims involving smaller amounts in controversy.

A class action economically allows a group of individuals to band together and to contest actions that are directed at a group. By utilizing a class action, plaintiffs’ attorneys can both work on a contingency fee basis while simultaneously investing in the highest possible investigation of the nature of the plaintiffs’ claims. This includes investing in the best experts necessary to prevail on a claim.

In many of our cases, we have provided assistance in the formation of neighborhood groups concerned with a specific environmental policy. These groups acquire political power in that they may include hundreds or even thousands of voters. At the voting booth, this power can equalize the monetary advantage of a big corporate defendant or the political connections of a governmental defendant. Through this process, we have successfully modified the practices of numerous defendants and resolved problems that, in some instances, have plagued a neighborhood for over 60 years.

To achieve our clients’ objectives we not only engage in litigation but, where necessary, are involved in substantial political and community outreach programs including:

  • Renting local halls to conduct meetings and to communicate with the plaintiffs
  • Using standardized Claim Forms to expedite the process of establishing plaintiffs’ damages
  • Helping form or attending meetings by local neighborhood or environmental groups concerned with the issues being litigated

Where necessary, we utilize the political power of the tens of thousands of clients we have represented to counteract political pressure applied by the defendant.

How much does it cost to hire a class-action lawyer?

Dubin Law handles class-action litigation on a contingency fee, which means we only get paid if we win. The attorneys’ fee is a percentage (typically one-third) of whatever we collect. Even then, the lawyer’s fee does not come directly out of your pocket but instead is charged as a percentage of the total settlement or verdict. Handling class-action cases on a contingency fee allows people to have access to high-quality legal representation, regardless of their financial situation.

Do all class members receive the same amount in a settlement or verdict?

Not always and almost never in a claim arising from a sewage backup or flooding.

Do you handle cases outside of Michigan?

The lawyers of Dubin Law, PLLC are licensed to practice only in the State of Michigan, unless otherwise noted. We have affiliations in specific cases with attorneys licensed to practice in other states. Dubin Law, PLLC does not wish to represent anyone desiring representation based upon viewing this website in a state where this website fails to comply with all laws and ethical rules of that state.

Flooding Class-Actions

What is flood damage?

Flood damage includes direct and indirect losses associated with a flood. Direct costs are those connected to the flood, while indirect costs are losses incurred in an extended time period after the flood. Damage to property in your basement is an example of direct costs, while a decrease in property value or lost income because of a flood are indirect costs.

Can I file a lawsuit for flood damage or a sewer backup?

If you suffered direct or indirect costs as a result of a flood or sewer backup, you may be eligible to file a lawsuit or participate in a class-action to recover losses caused by the flood.

How much money can I receive in a flood damage class-action lawsuit?

The amount of compensation each homeowner is eligible to receive will vary based on the nature and extent of the losses they sustained, and the severity of the flood or sewer backup. If you suffered the loss of your home, or damage to your property, business, vehicles, or personal belongings due to a flood or sewer backup, you may be entitled to compensation. You may also be able to claim losses for costs of relocation, repairs, and other expenses.

Can I sue for damage to my property if my basement did not flood?

If you suffered a loss, you may still have a claim for damages. For example, if your property was damaged or your home decreased in value because of a flood, you may be eligible for compensation.

What if I did not have flood insurance?

Flood insurance and sewage backup insurance are expensive and many homeowners choose to forego them. However, depending on where you live, if you do not have flood insurance your insurance might not have to pay your claim. However, you may be able to seek compensation from the governmental entity that is charged with operating the sewer system.

Who is the best lawyer to hire for a flooding class-action claim in Michigan?

David Dubin has dedicated his career to helping people whose lives have been impacted by sewer backups and flood damage. He has participated in groundbreaking advocacy and grassroots campaigns in this area of the law and has led efforts to preserve the Michigan statute that allows homeowners to file claims for damage caused by a sewer backup. 

Air Pollution and Environmental Class-Actions

Is air pollution a local problem or can it travel long distances?

Problems caused by air pollution are usually more severe near the source. However, air pollution can be carried long distances through the atmosphere.  

How can an air pollution and environmental attorney help?

If you or someone you love has suffered health problems that were caused by air pollution, an air pollution attorney can help. Attorney David Dubin can identify the parties that may be responsible and explain your legal options.  

Consumer Class-Actions

What is a consumer class-action lawsuit?

A consumer class-action lawsuit allows a group of people who suffered similar types of damages to bring multiple claims against the same business, corporation, or government entity in a single lawsuit. A class-action is a useful tool that allows consumers to seek a judicial remedy for injustices that may be too small to pursue on an individual basis.

Consumer class-action cases cover a wide range of legal issues including unfair business practices, false advertising claims, hidden fees, consumer fraud, and breach of warranty.

Who is eligible to file a consumer class-action case?

To be eligible to file a class-action lawsuit, a group must have suffered a similar type of damage or injury that was caused by the same company or defendants. These individuals come together as a group and file a lawsuit against the negligent party. A class-action allows the litigants to spread the cost of pursuing the case across a large group of people, rather than bearing the cost of bringing the lawsuit alone.

What types of class-actions are you currently investigating?

Dubin Law handles a variety of consumer class-action lawsuits, including:

  • Unfair and Deceptive Trade Practices
  • False Advertising
  • Bait and Switch Marketing
  • Charging for Services Never Provided
  • Illegal Robocalls
  • Data Privacy and Security Breaches
  • Corporate Misconduct
  • Insurance Fraud
  • Consumer Fraud

To learn more about these cases and determine whether you are eligible to participate in the class, contact Dubin Law today to schedule a free, confidential consultation to discuss your case and how Dubin Law can help.

Why should I serve as a class representative?

One person can make a big difference. By serving as the class representative, you can help countless other people and make a profound impact on an entire industry. When companies are held accountable for their actions, they take note and change their practices.

Are some companies too big to sue?

At Dubin Law, we believe that no company is above the law. While we respect and appreciate responsible corporate citizens and government entities, we will challenge them when they take advantage of consumers and consider it a privilege to stand up to some of the largest companies who have taken advantage of people.

How long does a class-action take?

Answering how long any lawsuit takes is a complicated question and will depend on a variety of factors. Ideally, the plaintiffs’ lawyers are able to resolve the case quickly. If the case resolves without the need for a trial, it could take less than a year. But if trial is necessary, it could take two years or more.