Answering how long any lawsuit takes is a complicated question and will depend on a variety of factors. Ideally, the plaintiffs’ lawyers are able to resolve the case quickly. If the case resolves without the need for a trial, it could take less than a year. But if trial is necessary, it could take two years or more.
At Dubin Law, we believe that no company is above the law. While we respect and appreciate responsible corporate citizens and government entities, we will challenge them when they take advantage of consumers and consider it a privilege to stand up to some of the largest companies who have taken advantage of people.
One person can make a big difference. By serving as the class representative, you can help countless other people and make a profound impact on an entire industry. When companies are held accountable for their actions, they take note and change their practices.
Dubin Law handles a variety of consumer class-action lawsuits, including:
To learn more about these cases and determine whether you are eligible to participate in the class, contact Dubin Law today to schedule a free, confidential consultation to discuss your case and how Dubin Law can help.
To be eligible to file a class-action lawsuit, a group must have suffered a similar type of damage or injury that was caused by the same company or defendants. These individuals come together as a group and file a lawsuit against the negligent party. A class-action allows the litigants to spread the cost of pursuing the case across a large group of people, rather than bearing the cost of bringing the lawsuit alone.
A consumer class-action lawsuit allows a group of people who suffered similar types of damages to bring multiple claims against the same business, corporation, or government entity in a single lawsuit. A class-action is a useful tool that allows consumers to seek a judicial remedy for injustices that may be too small to pursue on an individual basis.
Consumer class-action cases cover a wide range of legal issues including unfair business practices, false advertising claims, hidden fees, consumer fraud, and breach of warranty.